Monday, February 18, 2008

Second Blogiversary, a Contest, and an Etsy Sale!

It's my blog's second anniversary and you could win a custom hand-dyed skein of sock yarn!

Do you like it cool and serene...

warm and bright...

or natural and earthy?

It's your decision!

Just leave a comment on today's blog post between now and Friday, February 22, 2008 at 10:00 p.m. CST. Make sure to include your email address. I will use a random number generator to select the winner. One entry per person please. I will dye a skein of new fingering weight wool using the color preferences of the lucky winner!

Also part of the celebration - 10% off your purchase from my Etsy Shop until February 29, 2008!


junglemama said...

congrats, cool and earthy is me!
keep up thegreat blog

Granna Judy said...

Pretty exciting! I love your snow and dog pics -- DH and I are traveling and we miss our dogs.

I love color, the more the better. If my number is drawn, I leave it to you to choose something for me :-)

Judy (

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blogiversary. :) I was just looking for some custom dyed wool, so I hope I'm your lucky winner!


ColorJoy LynnH said...

Happy blogiversary! Many more...


Lovisa said...

Happy Blogiversary!

/Lovisa (

Laura said...

Happy Blogiversary :)

Laura (

Maureen said...

Happy Blogiversary from me too!

JeanTownsend said...

i love how the yarn looks.

Sharon said...

Happy Second Blogiversary!!!
I think warm and bright would be my choice. Fingers crossed...


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading all about the yarn and the dogs. And while the snow you get looks great, it makes me glad I live several hundred miles south of you :^) Karen

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Blogiversary!
Renee (

Kelly said...

Congrats on your anniversary. How exciting to know that your blog is out there for so long and that people love to read things your thinking about and view your products! Way to go and we hope to see you here on for many more anniversarys to come!

Kelly (

Emily Cole said...

Ooohhh - I want to win! Congratulations on your second blogiversary! I haven't hit 'one' yet - so I'm still a newbie, but really enjoy blogland! Em


ruth in NJ said...

Happy 2nd blogiversary!! I hope you have a happy knitting year to come! Earthy for me...Ruth in NJ (

MK said...

congrats. love your plied yarn. I am trying to learn to spin so I can make my own yarn

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary. It's all earthy for me! Love it. TelmahQ @ gmail.

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary! Your yarn is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

happy (second) blogiversary!

the cool and serene looks lovely!

Diane said...

Happy Second Blogiversary! Blues, Wines and Greens are me. Pick me!!!

Mothergoose said...

Winter....I'm ready for Spring. I live in Northern Michigan and we have much the same weather as you. Your yarn is beautiful. Happy blogiversary!!!

Anonymous said...


I love either purple/blue/green together or Autumn leaf colors yellow/orange/red/brown/rust/burgundy together.

If my number is drawn you could surprise me with either one or something completely different.


Barbara-Kay said...

Congratulations! Achieving your second blogiversary: is that anything like knitting the second sock? VBG!

Ooh, you've tempted me with the warm and earthy. Make that mine!

Anonymous said...

great job, I keep forgetting to work on my blog. I guess I need more pictures.
Diane (
I love color
When I get old er I will wear purple.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I've thought about blogging, but I just don't have the time to keep it up as nicely as you do. Your yarn is just lovely--the blues are my favorite of these two, but my mom is due for a pair, and she'd love the earth tones. Denise in Rochester, MN

knitteakitty said...

Happy Blogiversary to you! I love cool and serene or earthy!!! Blues, browns, greens, together or apart!


Anonymous said...

great job, I keep forgetting to work on my blog. I guess I need more pictures.
Diane (
I love color
When I get old er I will wear purple.

Unknown said...

Pretty yarns, I'm warm and Bright.. Hehe :)

Anonymous said...

All your yarn looks beautiful! I especially like the natural & earthy.
Happy Second Blogiversary, and many more!

Susie (

LizzieK8 said...

Yum! Yarn!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Your yarns are beautiful--the winner will be fortunate!

Linda (

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 2 years, with many more to come! Your yarn is lovely.


Georgi said...


Happy Blogiversary!

I would sing you a song, but you wouldn't like it :-)

I like most colors, so anything is great for me.


Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

congratulations on your blogaversary:)
I love fiery colours:))

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! Your dogs are beautiful, snow pics are lovely and I love the color of the socks you made for your DH - sure to cheer up any winter day.

Diana (

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! I haven't started one yet, and really admire those who do and stick with it.

Yvonne (

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary to you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I am impressed. Can't imagine the determination that this required on your part. Pat yourself on the back.

RisaJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot my email..

RisaJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RisaJ said...

Happy Second Blogiversary!!!

WolfWalker said...

Happy Second Blogiversary! Hope you have many, many more to come! :-)

Debra in NC (wishing that there was some of that glorious, fluffy, sparkling white stuff here to play in!)

Caty Bach said...

I love your yarn!

Congratulations on the blog!



Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations on 2 years. I share your dog pictures with my 11 year old daughter.


Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!
The georgeous blue gets my vote.
I enjoy reading your adventures.

Candace said...

Good luck with your Etsy store! It should go well with such fine looking yarn.
Be well and congratulations on 2 years!

Anonymous said...

cool and serene; my whole house is blues and greens!

anna said...

Howdy from Oklahoma!!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!
I just like yarn of most all colors....but just love tourqoise, and pinks/purples together..... I am into bright colors right now. My last socks were lime green and a multicolor navy yarn...they look better than that sounds...LOL

knitwych said...

Congratulations! And your yarns are lovely!

Knittinannie said...

Wonderful yarn colours! Keep me in
mind for the Blue.

Congratulations on your

Love the blizzard fotos with
the dogs

jknit said...

Great looking yarns! I'm trying to "knit from my stash" - but I would be very happy to be the lucky one to receive a skein from you!

Congratulations on your blogiversary!

Ravelry: jakkimitch

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, Yarn! I love most color but am partial to cool and serene: blues, pinks, purples.
I live in Oklahoma now, after over twenty years in North Texas, but I am a Michigan girl by birth. My college days were spent in Marquette, Michigan, with similar weather to yours, so I completely understand!
Happy 2nd Blogiversary!
guthriegirl (

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary in the frozen north. Your yarn is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Great yarn and love the pictures, it reminds me of where I live - Utah. Snow everywhere!

Kelly G said...

Wow - 2 years! I'm lucky if I remember weekly to write in my blog.

The blue yarn on your first page is gorgeous - that would be a great sweater.
Thanks for the contest -

Anonymous said...

I also like dogs and have a Welsh Pembroke Corgi. I see you dye semi solids my favorite. I think I will have to check out your shop.

Christy (

Sarah said...

Beautiful colors in your hand-dyed yarn!

Anonymous said...

How could I let your blogiversary go by and NOT leave a comment? 2 whole years already? Where does the time go? Congrats! I love to read your ramblings!
Tough choice on the yarn - hmmmm blue or earthy .... I'll decide if I win (procrastination! Gotta' love it!) :D

Anonymous said...

Yummy, yummy yarn!
I hope the random number generator picks me!

Dixie (

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I love seeing the pictures of your dogs. We have 7 retrievers: 3 golden and 4 labs.

If my number is drawn, I'll let you decide on the colors.


Crafty Mom said...

Happy 2nd blogiversary. Hope you have many more.

adrienne said...

cool and serene

or jewel tones.

congrats on the blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yarns. .Happy anniversary. Hope its my lucky day.


Joan in West Texas said...

Who can resist a contest? I like both earthy colors adn cool colors--purples teal, blue,
Joan in West TExas

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and happy second blogiversary!

Love your snow pics, and your color choices are gorgeous.


Jen said...

Wow, that cool and serene is gorgeous. And I'm addicted to sock knitting.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for you!...and many more! as a native New Englander, I so love the photos of snow covered landscapes!
AnDy in Maine

Marinos said...

many happy returns from across the Pond in Scotland! Fire engine red and bright turquoise, or any bright happy combination of colours if I win.....emali is
phoenix dot voyager at virgin dot net

all the best
Claire(retired primary teacher!)

phoenix_anew said...

Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more!!!

Tracie said...

Great Contest - I'm off to cruise your Etsy shop now. I love jewel tones!


The socklady said...

Conga Rats on blogiversary. I live in the central interior of BC and we have about the same snow problem as you do, way to much.

Anonymous said...

HB, Thanks for the generous anniversary gift you offer.
Cool is me and so is this contest.

Heidi said...

Your yarns are gorgeous! I hope I get the incredibly difficult job of choosing a colorway. Happy Blogiversary!

Susan said...

Congrats on the blogiversary. Keep posting. Your yarns are beautiful. Cool and earthy are my colors just in case!
susancats2 at

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary. I love jewel tones and earthy colors. Keep up the wonderful work! It is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Congrats on the anniversary!

phlame said...

Hi..what a fun blog...I love your yarn colors, especially "Shimmering shades of silver and gray with just a hint of navy blue" I'm glad I found you.

ikkinlala said...

Happy blogiversary!

Your yarns are gorgeous!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

AfternoonMoon said...

Happy Blogiversary to you...
Happy Blogiversary to you...
HAAAAAPy Blooooogiversary to youuuu
Happy Blogiversary to you...

... and mannnnnnnnny moooooore!

wildflower38 said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! Cool and serene that's me. The snow pics are pretty.

Cheryl (

Anonymous said...

your yarn is beautiful. Keep up the excellent work!! Congrats on two years

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Hope you have many more!


risiko said...

Congratulations !!
Happy Blogiversary !!
I couldn't see the pictures of the yarn (probably too many people flooding your blog at once) but i'm
guessing warm and bright. i'm going to go poke around your etsy store to see if i'm right.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! And many more to come! jan

Anonymous said...

Your fibers are lovely!! I have my fingers crossed!

Happy Blogiversary!

amy in ne

Anonymous said...

Congrats and what a cool blog! Love the looks of your yarns.


DJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
teabird said...


Teabird on Ravelry, and I love cool and serene...

teabird17 at yahoo dot com

Susanne said...

Congrats, can't remember if I already commented but if I did I bet I didn't include my email

Anonymous said...

Well howdy from the Jersey shore, Susan! congratulations on 2 years with your blog! keep up the great work. i love all your color familys, so i would be happy with anything i won!
Here's to the next 2 yrs (it goes fast!!)

DJ said...

Congratulations! Very nice blog. I love fur-baby piccies. and your yarns are absolutely gorgeous.
sewlady003 at yaHOO doT CoM

Marilyn in NM said...

I'm definitely a cool & earthy girl. I just love the yarn and your dogs!
Awesome pictures of your snow. Here in NW New Mexico, we've been hit pretty hard this month. It's just now melted and another storm on it's way. Wish I could get my little chiwheeni (chihuahua/dachshund mix) in a sweater. I'd love to knit for him but he thinks it's attacking him. Dingy dog, it'd be so much warmer for his little shivering body.....
Great blog! Thanks for including me in your giveaway! My email is victoriancottage at gmail dot com.
aka knittinmar on Ravelry

Helen Knits said...

Happy blogiversary! I wish we had some snow over here. Last night was one of our hottest nights on record in Melbourne it was(28C)82F.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love all of your yarns! Happy Anniversary, and so glad that someone told me about your site!


Yarnivore said...

blogiversaries as so much fun.
Congrats on getting this far.

Sadie (

kims place said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for directing us here.. it is my first visit and your yarns are gorgeous!

kim (

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! And gorgeous yarn to boot :)

bethtoons at gmail dot com

Happily Knit said...

happy blogiversary! I haven't even had my first and you're up to your second--wow!

Your blog is great!I came over from Ravelry

Congrats again!
Rachel (

Jessica said...

Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations!


Carol said...

Wow that is fantastic happy blogiversary :)I Love your cool and serene colourway,

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I hope I win. I love warm and bright colors.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your work, both writing and the yarn. Congrats on your anniversary of the blog. Don't know how we all lived without our daily hits.


A Bunch of Knits said...

Happy Blogiversary! Love your yarns!
abunchofusmo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Lovely yarn - I love your cool colors. Congrats on the anniversary of your blog!

KnitsAtTrafficLights said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary!! I think all of your colors are grand and would let you pick.

Susan (

Vikki said...

Wow, I'm not sure I could choose. LOL. Your yarns are so pretty... Is "cool and warm" or "bright and serene" and option? ;)

Happy anniversary! I look forward to seeing more of them.


vikki at meicosoft dot com

vriddle07 said...

Congrats!! I just found your blog, have to come back. I like cool and serene with a twist!
Victoria (

HaveFaith said...

I enjoy reading your blog and love your yarn. Keep up the good work.

~Lynn~ said...

Congrats on your second year anniversary! I have just had my
first! Love to read your blog and hope to win the yarn!

MJ said...

Just saw your post on Townsend Socks group. Happy Blogiversary! Maybe one of these years in future I will get my blog going, just too busy right how. Happy blogiversary again and happy knitting!

Mary Jo

debi's place said...

Wow 2 years, I am impressed.

Happy Blogiversary and many more.


Anonymous said...

What a generous gift. Love your dye choices.

Anonymous said...

What a generous gift. Love your dye choices.

Kenyetta said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Kenyetta said...

forgot my email
kenyetta dot davis at gmail dot com

Marsha said...

imagine12Happy Blogiversary!!!! ANd many more to come. I must say I am in awe of it lasting this long as busy and hectic as your life must be at times.
Wishing you well and continued success.
BTW, your yarns are simply gorgeous. Hope I'm lucky enough to win some scrumtious sock yarn!

edina said...

Happy Blogiversary! Your yarn is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

znHello Ilove your colors , have checked you out for etsy wishlist.A contest what fun.

Mokihana said...

I've never seen your blog before but am very impressed with your blog and colorways. I don't generall win anything but am glad I found your blog! Wow. I sound kinda redundant with "blog", don't I?

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary and Congratulations on a great web site. I do like the looks of your yarn and would love to win some.

Holly (

Lil Knitter said...

I'm natural and earthy and just caught the sock knitting bug. I finally knit my first sock! YAY! And YAY for your 2nd Blogiversary!

lilknitter at gmail dot com

Millennial Way Farm said...

Oh, I hope I am not to late. I have been working on trimming our Angora Rabbits, we have 50 of them and I get about 10 of them done a day.

You have done a wonderful job on you blog, and I love you yarn colors. Your dogs are sooo cute.

Mallory (

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! I've seen your post about the blog contest on Ravelry, and I'm so glad I've followed the link, because it then led me to your shop. Canadian breed-specific yarn? Wow, just wow! I'm bookmarking it right away!
(kimianak on Ravelry)

Mimi said...

I love it bright and wild!!! Kind of like those parrots. Macaws. That's the ones. I sure hope my number is drawn, as I could use some cheeer right now. Lost my furbaby a little over a year ago. he was 16-1/4 years old. And now just put my dad in the Gereatric Physc Wardwith Lewy Body Disease, a aggresive form of dementia that goes into parkinsons. Any way, enough of that. Happy blogiversary!!!!
Deb in Little Rock

Lily said...

Love the colors of your yarn! Will be back for another look soon!

Happy Blogiversary!

suzzy said...

Happy blogiversary. I do not wish to live where you do because of all that snow. I also am a dog person, a corgi woman.

kasiaiscarly said...

holy cow! i just found your blog on ravelry (though how i missed it before i'm surprised as i thought i had all the knitting & doggie blogs in my bloglines!). so, here is my entry (fingers crossed!).

kasiaiscarly (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lisa said...

Congrats! Please throw my name into the hat with the masses! :)

My email link is on my blog.

Emma said...

Wow, 2 years, I hope I can keep my blog going for that long!Yay colors!


Unknown said...

OMG!! I've never used hand dyed yarn before, way over my budget.
So I am here for a chance to win a skein of it.
Thanks so much
Hugs Patt

Karen said...

How can I resist?

"Happy Blogiversary to you, happy blogiversary to you, ...", etc.

Congratulations! I feel very silly - I don't even know when my blogiversary is! I guess I ought to check, since any excuse to celebrate is a good one.

Should I be the lucky soul, I can be reached at:

karen dot KVL at verizon dot net.

Blog on, and knit in peace.

Ginger said...

I love love love the pill story! I have the same problem, though usually I give the wrong pill to the wrong dog..., same diff!
I am kinda suprised with my yarn color choice. I always thought I was a bright and light but your warm and earthy is calling my name! Hope I win!

Kali said...

About the dogs and meds thing...pleading the 5th, here.

Just found your blog and am happy to find another dog lover who has luscious yarns to boot!

Happy 2nd blogiversary! Blues and greens or hot hues for me

Unknown said...

You certainly do beautiful work! I'd love to give some of your efforts a good home. It would be loved and respected and created with! Congrats on the blogiversary as well. Your talents are well appreciated out here in cybersapce.

Unknown said...

ooops...and my email is:

erika~ the inspired mama said...

happy blogiversary!! :D
erika (

sweetp said...

Just came here from Ravelry. Your pill story made me snort coffee all over my screen :) look forward to reading more in the future...


I like surprises :)

CraftyCarole said...

wow! beautiful colors. congrats on the blogiversary.. I've been doing mine for about 17 months now. I don't post everyday, but I try to keep it relatively recent. Loved your medicine story. That would SO be something I would do.

carole (m0mto3 @ --no spaces)

Anonymous said...

Oooo neato! And congrats!

Amy (

Marissa said...

Marissa (

Anonymous said...

I just found you from the Crazy Toes and Heels group, thanks for inviting us. Your yarn is lovely and will definitely go on my wish list.

judithrcns (at) aol dot com

Chele said...

Woohoo!! Two years of blogging, you go girl. You still sane hanging around in the blogging world? Ok now down to business, I like blues and earth tones colors. You hang in there see you on your next anniversary.

Vicki said...

Happy 2nd blog anniversary! I've been blogging for 15 months. I'm finding more things to blog about than I have time. LOL! Love your hand dyed yarn.
junkyarn AT yahoo DOT com

Kali said...

Oh crap. Read the flippin' instructions, woman! Blues and greens or hot hues for me should I be so fortunate...

Joyce said...

Happy Second Bloggiversary and thanks for taking the time to blog.

I'm sure my current stash wouldn't mind moving over just a wee bit to accommodate a friend.

And I have no idea how to change my gmail name from "Spark", which was a joke.