Sunday, September 20, 2009


Notice anything missing?
The Schacht Matchless has gone to a new home. I decided that the Ladybug was easier to treadle than the Matchless so it was silly to have both.

I can spin on my Ladybug and Majacraft Rose with ease but plying still makes my legs hurt. The solution: an electronic spinner.

Enter the Ertoel Roberta....
First of all, she's gorgeous!

Secondly, she works beautifully and I have great control over my spinning! I can spin heavy to very fine yarn on her.

Thirdly, she's quiet!

Fourthly (is that even a word?), she sits comfortably on my laptop table so can roll around the house to wherever I want to use her.

Fifthly (?), she has massive jumbo bobbins, a pause control attachment, and she can operate on regular house current electricity or 9 volt. The dual power is courtesy of Cal at Shuttleworks. I ordered the single power model but when it was ready to ship, Cal noticed that the finish on the one he had was defective so he sent the dual powered one at no extra charge, bless his heart. As always, I recommend Shuttleworks highly!

While Roberta will never replace my beloved Rose and Ladybug for spinning singles, I love that I can rewind bobbins and ply with the flip of a switch from the comfort of my recliner.


Jody said...

Nice...having one of those would make plying a little bit easier!

Monica in Sask said...

I am amazed! I have seen motorized spinners advertised before and always wondered if they were all they were cracked up to be! SO glad it's helping you, too! Hope you're feeling better soon!