Thursday, August 20, 2009

a total mess

Well, everyone in this house is healthy this week so the kitchen is getting painted. Dan steamed off the old 80's wallpaper and Geoff applied the primer today. I also have decided to toss the curtains on the windows in the dining room (that has never served as a dining room and should more accurately be called a computer room) and the living room, and paint the window walls the same Aztec gold color as the kitchen. There is a mess everywhere now that all the pictures have been taken down, the bookshelves emptied and moved out of the way, and appliances etc. shoved aside.


Notice the tired husband crashed in front of the TV.

I don't function well in a total mess and will be very glad when all is put straight again. I don't know how people survive major home renos.

In other news, between a complete physical exam and eye exam on Tuesday, I have been thoroughly examined inside and out, if you get my drift. Did you know that the new medical exam tables don't have stirrups? As someone who went through infertility tests in the '80s, it seemed very strange to get an internal exam without one. I feel like I spent a good deal of my earlier life with my feet in the air.

In addition to the blood and urine work at the lab I had the dubious pleasure of being handed the take home slides for a fecal occult test. Whoa. For those of you who have not had to do this test and might face it in the future, I have advice for you that will make it much easier (courtesy of google): put plastic food wrap between you and toilet bowl. Eww.

Both Dan and I had good news at the optometrist's office. His eyes lost their astigmatism, a lot, which is so rare that they repeated the test three times to be sure. That explains why he couldn't read anything for a while. And I have somehow managed to lose a cataract in the last two years. Good. We both have new glasses in the works so we will look much more trendy when they're ready.


Monika said...

I'm no Martha Stewart, but I'm with you. Total messes make me almost hysterical, very uncomfortable. Hope everthing is going well according to plan. Good to hear that eyes can improve too!

Jody said... certainly does look like your DH 'crashed' in front of the TV.
I have just had a physical too...never had the fecal(EWWW) test tho ( thank heavens).

Lovs2Knit said...

It definitely looks like your DH crashed. I don't see how that could be comfortable. :)

I have a little clutter in the house but absolute messes drive me crazy. I can't function when my whole home is turned upside down.

Darcie said...

A total mess?? My house looks like that on a good day. I dream of a clean house.