Monday, October 06, 2008

Joy Love

I feel a bit like a traitor even admitting it but I thought about selling my Ashford Joy travel wheel. I'm doing most of my spinning on the Elizabeth and, now that I'm not teaching, I don't really need a travel wheel. I thought about replacing the Joy with a larger wheel that could be packed up to put into the van if necessary but would be more versatile around the house as a second wheel.

Then I took the Joy out to the sunroom last week when the weather was gloriously sunny and warm. By nature, I'm a control-freak worsted super-fine yarn kind of spinner. As that's the Elizabeth's forte we get along very well. However, I decided to challenge myself to spin long-draw woolen yarn using the sheltie/merino fiber that I am preparing on the drum carder.
It's slow going as I find my touch with the long-draw method but the Joy is proving its worth by allowing me to have superb control of the twist while drafting. I have new respect and re-kindled love for this little wheel. And it's just so gosh-darn pretty as well as folding up in a snap! The Joy stays.

My fiber sources hanging out with the wheel. Austin seems to approve of my choice of fiber.

Last week's beautiful weather has turned into this:
It's cool, windy, and rainy. It feels like winter is not too far away. Yuck.


HaveFaith said...

It is amazing how there are people for all seasons. I'd love your weather year round. I love the rain and cloudy days. The sun ... you can have it. Maybe we need to switch locations. Although, after you have been in the south for a while, you may change your mind.

Anonymous said...

Have almost the same wheel, noticed the WoolLee winder. Have heard pros and cons on it. How do you like it on the Joy. (As opposed to a wheel with multiple whorls and different bobbin sizes)
I have other wheels but the Joy travels well. Outside or over to a friends for an afternoon, no fuss, just grab and go, simplicity.