Wednesday, March 04, 2009


See this?
It's the OPEN door from my kitchen to the sunroom. Yes, that's right, it was warm in the sunroom this afternoon!

We had a sunny, mild, calm day here in southern Saskatchewan. The temperature climbed over the freezing mark and the air held a touch of spring. It was like manna to starving people.

It was so lovely and warm in the sunroom that I sat and spun. The dogs enjoyed getting into the sunroom too and had soon parked themselves in various sunbeams around the room.
The warm weather isn't supposed to last and we'll be back in another cold weather system in a couple of days. But, at least, it feels like spring is a possibility after all.


Lynn said...

yeah warm weather!!!!! nothing like a sunbeam to warm up the soul.

Jody said...

You guys in Saskatchewan have had an extra cold winter this year eh :)
What a great spot to spin and enjoy the sunshine.

Aunt Kathy said...

Oh I wish it was sunny and warm here already, we might get above freezing today though, woo hoo