Sunday, March 28, 2010

spinning kids part 2

On Wednesday evening Darcie and I went back to Katie's youth group for the second part of the spinning experience. I'm glad that I waited for the spindles to arrive before then because they were a big hit.
The girls caught onto spinning very quickly. I think the first activity of twisting the roving between them helped them understand the process very well.
They were so involved with the spindles that they didn't even show much interest in trying the spinning wheel that Darcie brought.
(By the way, the reason that I'm cutting the pictures off without showing you the girls' faces is because we didn't have prior permission from their parents to do so. You've got to be careful of such things these days.)

I can show you a picture of Katie's face however.
While the others were spinning, she found a comfy chair where she could pull out her knitting.

The group leaders have already asked if we would do this presentation with groups next year. Of course we will. How can we turn down a chance to teach spinning to kids?


Monika said...

That's nice.

Jody said...

I luv working with kids and fibre. I help out twice a week with a knitting class at my stepsisters school where she is a teacher. The boys are some of the best knitters!