Thursday, June 19, 2008

more sock blanks

I dyed some more sock blanks today. Here they are drying.
I layered newspaper on an old boot tray and covered it with paper towel before placing the blank on top to dye. It worked pretty well. The paper absorbed the excess dye so there was less puddling underneath.

I'll put them into the Etsy shop tomorrow when they're dry.

I also dyed this skein of merino/silk fingering the other day. I called it Cherry Pickin' which seems appropriate for this time of year. It's in the Etsy shop now if you're interested.


LizzieK8 said...

Very nice blanks! How much will the run?

Anonymous said...

Those look nice. I just tried dyeing my own yarn and it was harder then I thought. I left the yarn in the skeins and had to redye to get the middles.

Barb Matijevich said...

Oh my gosh, that 'cherry picking' made my mouth water. It's awful, terrible, horrible and tragic that I am on such a yarn budget at the moment...